I came away from this story with a sadness. A sadness that looking at a woman is a crime. Men fall along the food chain and I am sure that there are many creeps.
I am a NYC boy lucky enough to be living on a large beautiful lake in the South. Every evening, after the crushing heat subsides, neighbors from many miles come to stroll the lake, its beautiful paths and bridges.
I glance up at everyone. Men, women, old Chinese women, India women in their beautiful clothing, Muslim families, Hispanic families. We are all just one beautiful mass of mixed society. Often I’ll look up at a beautiful blonde and see she is offended. I quickly break contact.Often quipping to myself “well she must be from LA.” I’ve looked up at semi attractive women and gotten cold glares of hatred. I’ve looked up at incredibly beautiful women and gotten warm, reassuring smiles. Mostly I look at their dogs who are always quick to acknowledge my looking at them. I am often greeted by lots of kisses.
Maybe we can all take a lesson from our canine friends