— It’s there. It is following me. I never quite get a good look at it. It only shows for a fleeting second. Only shows itself in mirrors and reflections. Sometimes it stays for days and other times it vanishes. But it constantly reminds me it’s there. It’s following me. It never has the courage to confront me. To talk to me. To tell me about its plans for me.
Gene has been writing for a while, he just hasn’t told us how long. He enjoys communicating with and helping new writers. He has a uniquely simple Hemmingwayish writing style.
He has traveled extensively and even lived in a remote cabin high up in the mountains where he claims he found his style.
“Living without electricity and running water helps you clear your head.” He now does all his writing from a table overlooking a beautiful lake in North Carolina. All of the dogs and pretty much all the women in the stories are real. His true-fiction style allows for much exaggeration or entertainment but the people and dogs are all really special and deeply loved by the author.