The Clouded Line V

gene candeloro
3 min readJul 27, 2020

What we write and what we live sometimes become clouded.

I’m not sure when it started. Maybe about two months ago maybe longer, I’m really not sure. It started, when the love of my life, the woman who vowed she couldn’t spend one minute in life without me walked out of my life. The women that spoke of forever. Now spoke nothing.

At first, I just wrote about her. Writing has been my go-to whenever life’s stressors become too much. The time the Dr. said the four-letter word-cancer. The time I thoroughly got the crap beat out of me up NYC way. The day my dog died. I do not have to describe that feeling to anyone who’s been there.

I wrote of her perfection, of our fortune having found each other. I wrote of all the things we loved to do. I wrote how we stayed all up night talking. I wrote about her incredible touch and smell.

Then I shifted to writing about how she was coming back. How we would be so happily reunited. I dreamed of our cooking meals together. Of me filling album after albums of amazing pictures of her exotic beauty. I wrote and dreamed of the new puppy we planned to get. I wrote in my sleep I wrote in my dreams. I wrote in my morning stupor. I’d arrive at my son’s house ten miles away and realize I never paid attention to the drive the entire way because I was writing another story in…



gene candeloro

Writer, photog., wanderer. Hopeful romantic. Lover of all things dogs. I write about ordinary people. Follow my Relentless Pursuit. Medium Noteworthy Writer.